Who knew that a wipe could be so much fun??? I was making faces the whole time too and towards the end, I started making faces and noises so when you hear the zerbert at the end, just know it was me and not her making fun things in her diaper!!! Oh... remember to go to the bottom and turn off the music from the list player!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A few pics from the past week...
Posted by The Burgess Family at 12:03 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
6 month stats on a growing girl!
At Birth: 7 lbs 14 oz, 20.5 inches
At 2 months: 11 lbs 10 oz (60%), 22.5 inches (45%)
At 4 months: 14 lbs 3 oz (50%), 24.75 inches (60%)
At 6 months: 15 lbs 7 oz (30%), 26.25 inches (60%)
I will share this with you... Chayse was a busy body this morning while we were there and her Dr. said well, it is no wonder she is a skinny little thing because she moves all the time... she is is burning off everything she eats!
Posted by The Burgess Family at 8:04 PM 1 comments
New Bath!
Posted by The Burgess Family at 7:55 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Do you see what I see?
Posted by The Burgess Family at 6:54 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Yep, thats how many years old the Marine's are today... so many men and women have given so much for this country and today is a great day to say thank you to them! Happy Birthday Marines and Semper Fidelis!
Posted by The Burgess Family at 7:53 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
She was talking up a storm untill I got the camera out... and then she froze! Oh well, at least you can see her sitting up, and staying up when she moves, ALL BY HERSELF!!!
Posted by The Burgess Family at 8:31 AM 2 comments